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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Buys

Urban Renewal Camo Jacket from Urban Outfitters-$59
Purchased at secondhand store for $17.50

I've been OBSESSED with using makeup sponges!
They even out the foundation perfectly.
Daisy Jewelry Stand is super cute!

Keith Haring phone case from  NastyGal

Hello followers,

So sorry I haven't been blogging like I said that I would. I've been so busy finishing up school and working a lot more! Finally summer has come, so it was time for me to get new things. I am head over heels for my new Urban Renewal Camo Jacket! It's super comfy, oversized, and easy to wear. I just have to wait till the weather cools down a bit to wear it, I'm so excited! I've also been shopping ALOT online lately, It's almost to the point of being unhealthy lol. I've also been obsessing over home decor since I'm planning to move to an apartment soon. Shopping for cute room accessories has grown to be super addicting for me! Anyways, hope all is well, and I hope to be posting as much as I can on my free time for this summer! 